UPDATE 7/30: MITWPL is slowly resuming operations. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with MIT’s policies, we have been unable to fulfill orders since mid-March, and as students and non-essential personnel, we are still restricted. We appreciate your continuing patience and understanding, and your support of the MIT graduate student body.

Founded in 1979, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics is an entirely student-managed organization, run by the graduate students in the MIT Doctoral Program in Linguistics. MITWPL is dedicated to promoting student linguistic research by publishing dissertations and papers and, with the proceeds, equitably funding travel, fieldwork and equipment purchases.

MITWPL publishes working papers and dissertations for MIT Linguistics and Philosophy, University of Connecticut Linguistics and the University of Rochester Center for Language Sciences. If your department would like to outsource its working paper publications to MITWPL, please contact the management.

To browse our extensive list of in-print publications, select
ONLINE STORE. If you are an editor of or contributor to an upcoming MITWPL volume, select PUBLISHING. To reach us, click CONTACT.

Recent MITWPL Publications:

Chomsky's Linguistics
Special edition collected works of Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky; editors Peter Graff, Coppe van Urk
MWPL94: Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL17) (2024) Edited by Erdene-Ochir Tumen-Ochir, Julia Sinitsyna, and Shigeru Miyagawa
YIPM01: M. J. W. Yip The Tonal Phonology of Chinese (1980)
LEVI02: L. Levin Operations on Lexical Forms: Unaccusative Rules in Germanic Languages (1986)
ROC091: Spring 2023, Volume 9, Number 1 (#91, 2023) Ash Asudeh
MWPL93: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL15) (#93, 2021) Julia Sinitsyna and Sergei Tatevosov
MWPL92: Proceedings of IATL 2018-2019 (#92, 2021) Gabi Danon
MWPL91: Proceedings of TripleA 6 (#91, 2021) Neil Banerjee and Verena Hehl
ROC081: Fall 2020, Volume 8, Number 1 (#81, 2020) Peter Guekguezian
ROC071: Fall 2019, Volume 7, Number 1 (#71, 2019) Peter Guekguezian
TUWP04: Fleur de Ling: Tulane University Working Papers Volume 4 (#1, 2019) (#4, 2019) Tom Lewis, Jarrette Allen, and Andrew Abdalian
MWPL90: Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL14) (#90, 2019) Tatiana Bondarenko, Colin Davis, Justin Colley, and Dmitry Privoznov
XCHE02: Tingchun Chen Multiple Case Assignment: An Amis Case Study (2019)
MWPL89: Proceedings of IATL 2017 (#89, 2017) Noa Brandel
KOLA01: Sudheer Kolachina Stress and Vowel Harmony in Telugu (2016)
ARAV01: Athulya Aravind Presuppositions in Context (2018)
MWPL88: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL13) (#88, 2018) Céleste Guillemot, Tomoyuki Yoshida and Seunghun J. Lee
MWPL87: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL10) (#87, 2018) Theodore Levin, Ryo Masuda
MWPL86: Proceedings of IATL 2016 (#86, 2017) Noa Brandel
MWPL85: Proceedings of GLOW in Asia XI - Volume 2 (#85, 2017) Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine