MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #90
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL14)
, Tatiana Bondarenko, Colin Davis, Justin Colley, and Dmitry Privoznov 2019
Sosite-Coordination of Case-Marked Nominals in Japanese
Masahiro Akiyama 1
On the Semantics of the Izyoo-Comparative
Akihiko Arano 9
Japanese wa and ga as Scope Markers of exh
Bade, R. Nakanishi, F. Sode, Y. Iida, S. Ihara, M. Ebara, H. Ono, Y. Miyamoto, U. Sauerland
Combining CPs by Restrict: Evidence from Buryat
Tatiana Bondarenko 29
Crossing and Stranding at vP in Altaic and Beyond
Colin Davis 37
Difficult Imperatives in Turkish
Ömer Demirok, Despina Oikonomou 49
Information Structure inside Turkish Noun Phrases
Özlem Ergelen 57
East Asian Relatives Revisited: on the Disunity between Gapped & Gapless Relatives
Kazuhiko Fukushima 65
Negative… Concord or Polarity?: NSIs in Okinawan
Ken Hiraiwa 77
Why in the Left Periphery in Child Japanese: Evidence from Children’s Word Order
Kanako Ikeda, Tomohiro Fujii, Kyoko Yamakoshi 91
Japanese Multiple Right Dislocation
Toru Ishii 103
A Mirative Evidential in Exclamative: a Semantics of Nodaroo
Katsumasa Ito, Yoshiki Mori 117
Politeness Marking and the Syntax of Discourse
Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández, Selçuk İṣsever 129
Two Say-Complementizers in Poshkart Chuvash. Subject-Orientation, Logophoricity and Indexical Shift under Verbs of Hearing
Mikhail Knyazev 137
Differential Object Marking, Partitivity and Specificity in Turkish
Klaus von Heusinger, Jaklin Kornfilt, Semra Kizilkaya 145
On Possessed Relative Clauses in Kyrgyz
Sabine Laszakovits 157
Scrambling-Derived Sluicing-Like Constructions: Evidence from Buryat
Ekaterina Morgunova 169
The Direct and Indirect Causative Construction in Kazakh
Anaer Nulahan, Phil Branigan 177
A Correlative Construction in Japanese and its Implications to Typology
Hiromune Oda 185
Dual Suppletion in Japanese
Yohei Oseki, Takumi Tagawa 193
Nasal Assimilation in Kazakh
Eszter Ótott-Kovács 205
The Speaker-Addressee Relation in Imperatives
Paul Portner, Miok Pak, Raffaella Zanuttini 219
Causality of Passive and Paradigmatic Gaps
Dmitry Privoznov 239
On Further Similarities between Japanese and Spanish Complementizers
Hiroaki Saito 253
Recycling Arguments in Radical Pro-Drop Languages
Yuta Sakamoto 265
Bare Direct Objects in Turkish: Pseudo-Incorporated or Weak Arguments
Elyesa Seidel 277
Positively Biased Negative Polar Questions in Japanese and their Embeddability
Junko Shimoyama, Daniel Goodhue, Mako Hirotani 289
Negation for Every Verb in Uyghur
Alexander Sugar 305
The Syntax of Potential Verbs in Japanese
Hideya Takahashi, Kensuke Emura 317
Rescuing mo and ka: the PPI status of Japanese Connectives
Ayaka Tamura, Yoichi Miyamoto, Uli Sauerland 329
Minimizers and Multiple Focus Constructions in Japanese
Yuta Tatsumi 337