MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #42
Phonological Answers (and Their Corresponding Questions)
, ed. A. Csirmaz, Z. Li, A. Nevins, O. Vaysman, and M. Wagner 2002


Save $23.95 (39%) if bought together with Proceedings of the 12th Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL 12)
- Teal Bissell
- Avoidance of the Marked in Miya Pluractional Allomorphy
- Claire Bowern
- Constraint Interplay in Bardi (Australian)
- David Gow and Cheryl Zoll
- The Role of Feature Parsing in Speech Processing and Phonology
- Morris Halle and Ora Matushansky
- Assimilation in Russian An Overview
- James Harris
- Flaps, Trills, and Syllable Structure in Spanish
- Franny Hsiao
- Tonal Domains Are Stress Domains in Taiwanese Evidence from Focus
- Michael Kenstowicz
- Paradigmatic Uniformity and Contrast
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- A Feature-Analysis of Ablaut
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- Focus, Phrasing and Tonal Alignment in Chaha
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- On Formal Identity of Russian Prefixes and Prepositions
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- Constraint Conjunction and OTP
- Filomena Sandalo and Hubert Truckenbrodt
- Some Notes on Phonological Phrasing in Brazilian Portuguese
- Shigeko Shinohara
- Metrical Constraints and Word Identity in Japanese Compound Nouns
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- Arabic Subject-Verb Agreement Affixes: Morphology, Specification and Spell-Out
- Michael Wagner
- The Role of Prosody in Laryngeal Neutralization
- Cheryl Zoll
- Clash-Driven Tone Mapping