MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #33

Papers on Morphology and Syntax, Cycle One

ed. K. Arregi, B. Bruening, C. Krause, and V. Lin, 1999

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Maya Arad
On "Little v"
Degif Petros Banksira
Chaha Subject Affixes as Two Independent Heads
James Harris
Nasal Depalatalization no, Morphological Wellformedness : The Structure of Spanish Word Classes
Anders Holmberg
Yes and No in Finnish: Ellipsis and Cyclic Spell-Out
Michela M. Ippolito
On the Past Participle Morphology in Italian
LaVerne Jeanne and Ken Hale
Simin Karimi
Is Scrambling as Strange as We Think It Is?
Cornelia Krause
Two Notes on Prenominal Possessors in German
Julie Anne Legate
The Morphosyntax of Irish Agreement
Vivian Lin
Determiner Sharing
Isabel Oltra Massuet
On the Constituent Structure of Catalan Verbs
Taylor Roberts
Unbalanced Coordination and Resumptive Pronouns
Juan Romero
The Case of Agreement
Adam Szczegielniak
`That-t Effects' Cross-Linguistically and Successive Cyclic Movement