The Structure of Tagalog: Specificity, Voice, and the Distribution of Arguments

A. Rackowski, 2002

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This thesis examines the syntax of Tagalog with a particular focus on argument structure and its implications for clause structure.  Through cross-linguistic comparison I show that Tagalog syntax is not as exotic as is often assumed and that it can be straightforwardly accounted for using available syntactic tools, primarily the theory of phases and Agree of Chomsky (1999, 2001).  This study shows that there is no need to appeal to new parameter settings or new components of the grammar in order to account for the syntactic behavior of Tagalog (cf.  Sells 1998, Speas 1998, Carrier-Duncan 1985, Kroeger 1993).

In this work I show that, contrary to widespread assumptions, the voice system of Tagalog does not reflect the thematic role of the subject argument.  Instead, returning to the insight of Ramos 1974, I argue that voice morphology on the verb reflects the case that the subject argument receives in its base position.  I also argue that the specificity properties of subjects and objects in Tagalog resemble those motivating object shift in Germanic languages: therefore, I conclude that Tagalog instantiates a system of generalized "argument shift".  I show that the shift of specific arguments to the edge of the phase is strictly constrained by locality.

The analysis of voice and locality-constrained shift relies on a detailed study of argument positions in Tagalog.  Using tests for hierarchical structure such as reflexive and pronominal variable binding, I examine the structural relations among external arguments, applicative arguments, direct objects, and adjuncts and show them to be in accordance with what is known about structural argument asymmetries cross-linguistically.

Thesis Supervisor:         Alec Marantz

Title:                             Professor of Linguistics

Table of Contents

Chapter 1         Introduction                                                                                          10

            1.1       Theoretical orientation                                                               12

                        1.1.1    Phases and voice                                                                      12

                        1.1.2    Agree and Move                                                                      12

                        1.1.3    Case                                                                                        15

                        1.1.4    Distributed Morphology                                                            17

            1.2       The EPP and (quirky) case in Tagalog                                       18

            1.3       Tagalog essentials                                                                                 20

                        1.3.1    Voice                                                                                       20

                        1.3.2    Word order and scrambling                                                      22

                        1.3.3    Aspect                                                                                     27

                        1.3.4    Nominal case                                                                            29

                        1.3.5    Extraction                                                                                 30

            1.4       On subjects                                                                                          31

                        1.4.1    Topic vs. subject                                                                      31

                        1.4.2    Nominative vs. other                                                                 32

                        1.4.3    External argument vs. ang-phrase                                             33

Chapter 2         Distribution of arguments                                                                       34

            2.1       Introduction                                                                                          34

            2.2       Transitive clauses                                                                                  35

            2.3       Applicatives                                                                                          38

                        2.3.1    High applicatives                                                                       40

                           Benefactives                                                                 40

                           Instrumentals                                                                48

                           Locatives                                                                      53

                        2.3.2    Low applicatives and the dative alternation                                55

                           Dative alternation cross-linguistically                  56

                           Tagalog revisited                                                           59

            2.4       Causatives                                                                                            66

                        2.4.1    Productive causative                                                                 66

                        2.4.2    "Lexical" causative                                                                    70

            2.5       Conclusion                                                                                           74

Chapter 3         Subject and specificity                                                              76

            3.1       Introduction                                                                                          76

            3.2       Similarities to Germanic                                                             78

            3.3       Shift in Tagalog                                                                         80

                        3.3.1    The direct object as subject                                                      80

                        3.3.2    External argument clauses                                                         83

                        3.3.3    Benefactives                                                                             84

                        3.3.4    Ditransitives                                                                              86

            3.4       Pronouns                                                                                              88

            3.5       The importance of pag                                                              88

            3.6       Causatives                                                                                            92

            3.7       Recent perfective                                                                                  93

            3.8       When there is no specific argument                                                        95

            3.9       Clausal subjects                                                                                    95

            3.10     Obviating the specificity effect in extraction environments                       96

            3.11     Conclusion                                                                                           101

Chapter 4         The case of voice                                                                                  102

            4.1       Introduction                                                                                          102

            4.2       Voice markers                                                                                      103

            4.3       Theta-agreement and counter-evidence                                     105

            4.4       Case and configuration                                                              108

                        4.4.1    Accusative derivation                                                                112

                        4.4.2    External arguments                                                                    114

            4.5       Solving the theta problems                                                                    117

                        4.5.1    External arguments                                                                    117

                        4.5.2    Alternations                                                                              119

                        4.5.3    Causee agents                                                                          120

                        4.5.4    High and low applicatives                                                          121

            4.6       Unexpected dative objects                                                                    123

            4.7       Oblique objects                                                                                    126

                        4.7.1    Ditransitives                                                                              126

                        4.7.2    Lexical causatives                                                                     128

                        4.7.3    Productive causative                                                                 130

                        4.7.4    Against a purely semantic analysis                                             131

4.8       PRO subjects                                                                                                   133

4.9       Clausal subjects                                                                                                133

4.10     Conclusion                                                                                                       134

Appendix         Stative and abilitative                                                                            134