Syntactic Features: Parametric Variation in the History of English

J. S. Lumsden, 1987

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This study compares the syntax of Old English and early Middle English, with particular attention to the annals of the Peterborough Chronicle.  It provides an account of the immediate changes in syntactic representations during this period and relates these changes to the revisions which swept the English lexicon during the Middle Ages.

The thesis argues that the properties of substantive inflection (i.e., number, gender and Case) are best represented as binary features in underspecified matrices.  These grammatical features are syntactic features.  Grammatical feature matrices define phrases in the syntactic representation.

The thesis proposes that a single binary feature distinguishes structural Case from inherent Case.  In Old English, only structural Case was underlyingly marked.  Inherent Case was assigned by a general rule in each derivation.  In later English, this markedness was reversed in verb and adjective phrases.  Because the Case feature is listed in verbal lexical entries, this reversal altered the markedness of verb classes in the English lexicon.  During the Middle Ages, hundreds of verbs which had assigned inherent Case in Old English were revised to become structural Case assigners.  More immediate changes in the syntax of early Middle English are evident in adjective phrases and in other constructions where Case is not specified in lexical entries.

The analysis provides support for a "principles and parameters" view of variation in natural language.  The grammars of Old English and early Middle English are argued to be massively similar.  Relatively simple changes in the distribution of grammatical features can account for complex differences in the surface structure of these languages.

Thesis supervisor:         Morris Halle

Title:                             Institute Professor

Table of Contents

Chapter 1         Introduction                                                                                          9

            1.1       The problem                                                                                         9

                        1.1.1    The problem in particular                                                          9

                        1.1.2    The problem in general and a general solution                13

                        1.1.3    A solution in particular                                                  17

            1.2       The theoretical framework                                                                    25

            1.3       Innovations                                                                                           27

            1.4       Organization                                                                                         30

Chapter 2         Inflection in Old English                                                             33

            2.1       On the nature of inflection                                                                     33

            2.2       The oppositions extant in the paradigms                                     54

                        2.2.1    Number                                                                                    54

                        2.2.2    Gender                                                                                     55

                        2.2.3    Case                                                                                        61

            2.3       The specifications in the signals                                                  70

                        2.3.1    Weak nouns and adjectives                                                       74

                        2.3.2    Interrogative pronouns                                                  76

                        2.3.3    Demonstrative pronouns                                                           79

                        2.3.4    Third person personal pronouns                                                83

                        2.3.5    Strong adjectives                                                                      84

                        2.3.6    Strong nouns                                                                            87

            2.4       Lexical insertion                                                                                    90

                        2.4.1    Agreement and blocking                                                           90

                        2.4.2    The hierarchy of features                                                           94

                        2.4.3    A universal of grammar?                                                           101

                        2.4.4.   Rule ordering and insertion                                                        106

Chapter 3         Features in underlying representations                                        111

            3.1       D-structure underspecification                                                   111

                        3.1.1    Number                                                                                    112

                        3.1.2    Gender                                                                                     116

                        3.1.3    Case                                                                                        126

                           [+/- accusatiive]                                                            127

                           [+/- genitive]                                                                 134

                           [+/- inherent]                                                                136

            3.2       Features and syntactic structures                                                           147

                        3.2.1    The X-bar convention                                                               148

                        3.2.2    The projection principle                                                            150

                        3.2.3    "Project X"                                                                              152

                        3.2.4    What features are syntactic features?                                         155

                           Verbal inflection                                                            155

                           Substantive inflection                                                     160

            3.3       The linking conventions                                                             166

Chapter 4         Syntactic features and thematic structure                                                174

            4.1       Higginbotham on semantics                                                                   175

            4.2       Jackendoff on conceptual structure                                                        182

            4.3       Feature matrices and theta-grids                                                            189

                        4.3.1    Verbs                                                                                       189

                        4.3.2    Nouns                                                                                      198

                        4.3.3    Clauses                                                                                    208

            4.4       Modifications                                                                                        213

                        4.4.1    Adjectives and nouns                                                                213

                        4.4.2    Verbs and clauses                                                                     225

            4.5       Adjuncts                                                                                               227

                        4.5.1    Prepositions and adverbs                                                          228

                        4.5.2    Default adjuncts                                                                        234

                        4.5.3    "Adverbial" adjuncts                                                                 239

Chapter 5         Old English Syntax                                                                                247

            5.1       Substantive phrases                                                                              248

                        5.1.1    Adjectives                                                                                248

                        5.1.2    Adjective phrase complements                                      261

                        5.1.3    Functional category specifiers                                        263

            5.2       Prepositions and adverbs                                                                      267

            5.3       Complementizers                                                                                  274

                        5.3.1    The OE relative clause                                                  274

                        5.3.2    The OE subordinate clause                                                       280

            5.4       The loss of inflection in OE                                                                    281

Chapter 6         Early Middle English syntax                                                                   286

            6.1       The Peterborough Chronicle                                                                 286

                        6.1.1    Inflection in Peterborough                                                         289

                        6.1.2    OE to ME: the default parameter                                               300

                        6.1.3    Default domains in Peterborough                                               306

            6.2       Functional category signals in ME                                                          309

                        6.2.1    Inserted prepositions                                                                 312

                           "of"                                                                              314

                           "on"                                                                             316

                           "to" and "for"                                                               319

                        6.2.2    Other inserted forms                                                                 325

                           Determiners                                                                  328

                           "what"                                                                          329

            6.3       Verb + preposition combinations                                                           330

            6.4       Complementizers and relative pronouns                                     333

            6.5       Adjective phrase complements                                                  336

Chapter 7         Diachronic drift in the English lexicon                                         339

            7.1       Single object construction                                                                     345

                        7.1.1    Single dative objects                                                                 345

                           The diachronic status of "to"                                         351

                           Changes in loan-words                                     356

                           Other dative complements                                             358

                           Summary                                                                      359

                        7.1.2    Single genitive objects                                                   359

                           Summary                                                                      362

                        7.1.3    Single accusative objects                                                           363

            7.2       Double complement constructions                                                         365

                        7.2.1    Dative and genitive                                                                    365

                        7.2.2    Accusative and genitive                                                 366

                        7.2.3    Accusative and dative/instrumental                                            367

                        7.2.4    Dative and accusative 1                                                            368

                        7.2.5    Dative and accusative 2                                                            371

                        7.2.6    Double accusatives                                                                   374

            7.3       Impersonals                                                                                          375

            7.4       Adjuncts                                                                                               384

                        7.4.1    Accusative adjuncts                                                                  384

                        7.4.2    Cognate adjuncts                                                                      393

                        7.4.3    Gentive adjuncts                                                                       394

                        7.4.4    Dative adjuncts                                                             397

                        7.4.5    Dative reflexive adjuncts                                                           400

            7.5       Absolute participles                                                                              403

            7.6       The default default                                                                                410

8          Conclusion                                                                                                       414