Lexicon Project Working Papers #14

Studies in Berber Syntax

ed. M. Guerssel and K. Hale, 1987

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Focus Constructions in Berber
U. Shlonsky
Extraction and Pseudo-objects in Berber
S. Abney
Unexceptional Case Marking
U. Shlonsky and M. Sigler
Coordination in Berber
J. Cole and C. Tenny
The Causative, Passive and Reciprocal in Berber
J. Lumsden and L. Trigo
Focus Structure in Berber: A Comparative Analysis with Italian
A. Calabrese
An SVO Analysis of VSO Languages and Parametrization: A Study of Berber
H.-S. Choe
The Status of the Lexical Category Preposition in Berber: Implications for the Nature of the Construct State
M. Guerssel