The Grammar of Negative Polarity

M. Linebarger, 1980

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This study attempts to characterize the distribution of negative polarity items in English, and to delimit the role of NPIs within sentence grammar.

the recalcitrance of NPIs to a purely syntactic analysis has long been observed, notably in Baker (1970).  It is argued there that the primary trigger is negation, a sufficient condition on NPI acceptibility being a syntactically defined relationship to negation; and that all other triggers are to be defined in terms of a semantic relation to negation, logical entailment.  The structure of this proposal is maintained, but with major alterations.

First, the SYNTACTIC (i.e. structural) condition must be stated on logical form rather than on surface structure: in the LF of a sentence containing an NPI the NPI must be represented as occurring in the "Immediate scope" of the negation operator.  It is shown that this notion of immediate scope, which also plays a role in grammatical processes such as government and in "pragmatic quantification", similarly constrains the distribution of "free choice" any and other quantifiers.  This constraint cannot be defined on surface syntactic structure: NPIs thus provide empirical evidence about the existence and syntax of LF, a level of linguistic representation at which logical structure is represented and which is the interface between sentence grammar and semantics.  Further evidence about the syntax at LF is provided by arguments that the negative polarity quantifier any must be represented as existential rather than a universal quantifier.

Second, the SEMANTIC condition on sentences with NPIs which do not meet this structural condition is to be stated in terms of their literal meanings; the availability of such sentences for utterance, however, is affected by conversational intent and real world beliefs.

This analysis of NPIs, which posits as the primary trigger a structural relation to negation and defines other triggers in terms of their semantic relation to this primary trigger, is constrasted with a quite different account of NPIs proposed by Ladusaw (1979), who attempts a unified an semantic analysis of all triggers on the basis of logical entailment alone.

Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                                  1

Footnotes                                                                                                                     4

Chapter 1         Surface structure accounts                                                                    7

            1.1       Lasnik (1975)                                                                                       8

            1.2       Jackendoff (1969, 1972)                                                                      10

            1.3       Critique of surface structure accounts                                                    12

            Summary of Chapter 1                                                                          20

Footnotes                                                                                                                     21

Chapter 2         Baker"s conjecture                                                                               23

Chapter 3         Part (A) " the paradigm CASE                                                 27

            3.1       Sentence (1a) and the predicate CAUSE                                              27

            3.2       The immediate scope constraint                                                 29

                        3.2.1    Additional violations of the ISC                                     31

                        3.2.2    Immediate scope in Kroch (1974)                                             39

                        3.2.3    Immediate scope and free choice any                                        43

                        3.2.4    Immediate scope and "nonreferentiality"                         45

                        Summary of Section 3.2                                                                        48

            3.3       Mechanics of the proposal                                                                    48

                        3.3.1    Logical form                                                                             49

                        3.3.2    SS à LF mapping rules                                                           49

                        3.3.3    The application of the NPI rule                                      56

            3.4       Possible counterexamples                                                                     57

                        3.4.1    Acceptable interveners                                                  57

                        3.4.2    NPI quantifiers with wide scope                                                60

            Summary of Chapter 3                                                                          62

Footnotes                                                                                                                     63

Chapter 4         Part (B) " "Allusions"                                                                            67

            4.1       A data set                                                                                             67

            4.2       Insufficiency of a purely semantic account                                              77

            4.3       Insufficiency of a purely conversational account                         80

            4.4       A tentative proposal                                                                              81

            4.5       Availability                                                                                            84

                        4.5.1    Implicature denied by speaker                                       85

                        4.5.2    Implicature "background"                                                          87

                        4.5.3    Implicature uninformative                                                          89

                        4.5.4    Implicature otherwise unavailable                                              90

                        Summary fo Section 4.5                                                                        93

            4.6       Part (b) and sentence grammar                                                  94

            Summary of Chapter 4                                                                          97

Footnotes                                                                                                                     100

Chapter 5         The representation of any                                                                     103

            5.1       Arguments based upon truth conditions                                     104

                        5.1.1    "Not Æ" contexts                                                                      104

                        5.1.2    Verb phrase deletion                                                                 107

            5.2       Arguments based upon other grammatical rules                          108

                        5.2.1    Tag questions                                                                           108

                        5.2.2    Restrictions on quantifier scope                                     109

            5.3       Distributional arguments                                                                        110

            5.4       Arguments based upon simplicity                                                           112

                        5.4.1    Interaction with every                                                               112

                        5.4.2    Other NPIs                                                                              114

                        5.4.3    Surface structure constraints                                                      115

            5.5       Arguments based upon "Æ not" contexts and the immediate scope

                        constraint                                                                                              116

            Summary of Chapter 5                                                                          120

Footnotes                                                                                                                     122

Chapter 6         Ladusaw (1979)                                                                                   123

            6.1       Belief contexts and downward entailment                                              129

                        6.1.1    Ladusaw"s notion of entailment                                     129

                        6.1.2    Interaction with other entailments                                               132

            6.2       Acceptable NPIs not in the scope of a DE operator                              133

                        6.2.1    Incorrect belief                                                             134

                        6.2.2    Loss and forgetfulness                                                   135

                        6.2.3    Only                                                                                         135

            6.3       Unacceptable NPIs in the scope of a DE operator                                 138

                        6.3.1    Intervening logical elements                                                       138

                        6.3.2    Promises                                                                                  139

                        6.3.3    Comparatives                                                                           139

                        6.3.4    Squishiness in other contexts                                                     139

                        6.3.5    Queclaratives                                                                            140

                        Summary of Section 6.3                                                                        140

            Summary of Chapter 6                                                                          141

Footnotes                                                                                                                     143

Chapter 7         Surface structure residue                                                                       143

            7.1       The desirability of eliminating explicit surface structure restriction

                        on NPIs                                                                                               143

            7.2       SS à LF mapping rules and NPIs: the Easy Cases                               144

            7.3       Problems                                                                                              147

                        7.3.1    Nonspecific NPs                                                                      147

                        7.3.2    Raised quantifiers                                                                      150

                        7.3.3    Part (b) triggers                                                                        151

                        7.3.4    Wh-words and NPIs                                                                153

Footnotes                                                                                                                     154

Chapter 8         What is an NPI?                                                                                   155

            8.1       Scalar endpoints                                                                                   156

            8.2       Degrees of dependence upon NOT                                                       158

            8.3       Understaters                                                                                         161

            8.4       Negated verbs                                                                                      162

Footnotes                                                                                                                     164

Conclusions                                                                                                                  165