Elements of Number Theory

D. Harbour, 2003

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This dissertation argues for the necessity of a morphosemantic theory of number, that is, a theory of number serviceable both to semantics and morphology.  The basis for this position, and the empircal core of the dissertation, is the relationship between semantically based noun classification and agreement in Kiowa, an indigenous, endangered language of Oklahoma.

The central claim is that Universal Grammar provides three number features, concerned with unithood, existence of homogenous subsets, and properties of those subsets.

The features are used to analyze a wide variety of data.  Semantic topics include the difference between granular and non-granular mass nouns, collective, non-collective and distributive plurals, and cardinality.  Syntactic topics include the structure of DP, noun marking, agreement and suppletion.  Morphological topics include the inventory of morphological operations, the featural basis of complex syncretisms, the difference between agreement and suppletion, whether features are privative or binary, and the nature of the Kiowa/Tanoan inverse.

Thesis Supervisors:       Morris Halle, Alec Marantz

Titles:                           Institute Professor, Professor of Linguistics


Table of Contents

1          Framework                                                                                                      12

            1.1       Aim: a morphosemantic theory of number                                              12

            1.2       Core claim and overview                                                                      17

            1.3       Framework                                                                                          23

            1.4       Overview of Kiowa structure                                                                24

                        1.4.1    The people                                                                               25

                        1.4.2    The language                                                                            26

                        1.4.3    Orthography                                                                             32

2          Kiowa’s noun classes                                                                                       35

            2.1       Overview: meaning and features                                                            35

            2.2       Preliminaries                                                                                         36

            2.3       The noun classes                                                                                   38

                        2.3.1    The SDP class                                                                          39

                        2.3.2    The SDI class                                                                           40

                        2.3.3    The IDP class                                                                           40

                        2.3.4    The IDS class                                                                           41

                        2.3.5    The IDI class                                                                            41

                        2.3.6    The SDS class                                                                          41

                        2.3.7    The PPP class                                                                          42

                        2.3.8    The SSS class                                                                          42

                        2.3.9    The SII class                                                                            46

            2.4       Semantic coherence of the classes                                                         49

                        2.4.1    The animate classes                                                                  51

                        2.4.2    Symmetric non-constant classes                                                56

                        2.4.3    Symmetric constant classes                                                       59

                        2.4.4    The default classes                                                                    63

                        2.4.5    Summary                                                                                  68

            2.5       Against a tenth class                                                                              69

            2.6       Phonological incoherence                                                                      72

                        2.6.1    Inverse allophones                                                                    73

                        2.6.2    Thematic nouns                                                             75

                        2.6.3    Conclusion                                                                               78

3          Number features                                                                                               79

            3.1       Referential cardinality                                                                            83

                        3.1.1    Natural classes                                                             83

                        3.1.2    Definitions                                                                                85

                        3.1.3    Summary                                                                                  91

            3.2       Class                                                                                                    92

                        3.2.1    Classification by [+/-singular], [+/-augmented]               92

                        3.2.2    ClassP and number on D                                                          95

                        3.2.3    Further derivations I: Other classes                                            102

                        3.2.4    Further derivations II: Inverse marking                           113

                        3.2.5    Summary                                                                                  118

            3.3       Mnemonic naturalness                                                               119

            3.4       Spurious S/P                                                                                        122

                        3.4.1    The meaning of [+/-group]                                                        123

                        3.4.2    The morphosyntax of [+/-group]                                               127

                        3.4.3    Summary                                                                                  137

            3.5       Mass nouns                                                                                          138

                        3.5.1    Conjunction                                                                              140

            3.6       Missing mneumonics                                                                             142

            3.7       Conclusion                                                                                           148

4          Agreement and suppletion                                                                                 150

            4.1       Suppletion                                                                                            151

                        4.1.1    Number-sensitive predicates                                                     152

                        4.1.2    Clarification                                                                              155

            4.2       Analysis of the basic cases                                                                    160

                        4.2.1    Assumptions                                                                             160

                        4.2.2    Analysis                                                                                    162

                        4.2.3    Summary                                                                                  166

            4.3       Inverse mismatches                                                                               166

                        4.3.1    Minus-valued classes                                                                167

                        4.3.2    Plus-valued class                                                                      172

                        4.3.3    Summary                                                                                  174

            4.4       [+/-group]-induced mismatches                                                 174

                        4.4.1    [+group], non-mass                                                                  174

                        4.4.2    [+group], mass                                                             176

            4.5       Harder cases                                                                                        178

                        4.5.1    [-group], pluralia tantum                                                            179

                        4.5.2    Reflexive-induced mismatches                                       183

            4.6       Conclusion                                                                                           188

            4.7       Appendix: adverbs built on suppletive roots                                           189

5          The agreement prefix                                                                                        195

            5.1       Preliminaries                                                                                         199

                        5.1.1    Prefixes                                                                                    199

                        5.1.2    Theoretical assumptions                                                            201

            5.2       Reduction of explicanda                                                                        204

                        5.2.1    ‘any’                                                                                        204

                        5.2.2    More x deletion                                                                        206

                        5.2.3    3A deletion                                                                               208

                        5.3.4    Person deletion                                                             208

                        5.3.5    More person deletion                                                                209

            5.3       Segmentation I: subregularities                                                   213

            5.4       Segmentation II: segments                                                                     223

                        5.4.1    Ditransitives                                                                              223

                        5.4.2    Transitives                                                                                231

                        5.4.3    Intransitives                                                                              237

            5.5       Vocabulary items                                                                                  238

6          Conclusions and consequences                                                             239

            6.1       Noun classification                                                                                239

                        6.1.1    Gender and declension class                                                     240

                        6.1.2    Gender-number systems                                                           243

            6.2       On privativity                                                                                        247

                        6.2.1    Presence~absence privativity                                                    248

                        6.2.2    Plus~minus privativity                                                    254

            6.3       Parting comments                                                                                 258

A.        A Hunting Story                                                                                                259