Case Licensing and VP Structure

K. Yatsushiro, 1999

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        In this thesis, I investigate where the Nominative Case of a DP is licensed in Japanese. It has been argued that Nominative Case is licensed only in the Spec of functional projections, such as TP/AgrP (Koizumi 1995). I argue that Nominative Case can be licensed by certain kinds of verbs/affixes within their local domain in Japanese. I propose that Case licensing takes place when a DP and a Case-licenser are in a local relation, such as Spec-Head or Head-Complement. I use the binding and scope relations, and VP-preposing to show the structural relation between Nominative phrase and another element in a structure, and what kind of structural position the Nominative phrase occupies.

        In Chapter 2, I argue that Nominative Case is licensed by the unaccusative verbs in Japanese. The evidence for this claim comes from the scope relation between the Nominative and Locative phrases in the unaccusative and passive constructions. The difference between these constructions leads us to conclude that the Nominative phrase in the passive construction raises overtly over the Locative phrase, whereas that in the unaccusative construction does not.

        In Chapter 3, I argue that Nominative Case of an object is licensed by the stative verbs/affixes (Kuno 1973). The evidence comes from the VP-preposing construction and the scope relation between the subject and the object.

        In Chapter 4, I show that subjects of unergative and transitive verbs raise to the Spec of TP overtly. I further propose that there is only one position for the subject oriented depictive secondary predicate.

        In Chapter 5, I discuss the structure within VP in Japanese, arguing that there is evidence for the Split-VP hypothesis proposed by Koizumi (1995), Lasnik (1995), Bobaljik (1996) among others. I also give additional evidence for a classic claim that the indirect objects are always base-generated higher than the direct objects, using the VP-preposing construction.

        In Chapter 6, I show that there is covert raising of the Nominative phrase of the unaccusative construction in Japanese. I argue that this is due to the weak EPP feature in T in Japanese. 

Chapter 1:   Introduction                                                                        1

Chapter 2:   Nominative Case Licensing                                                   5

        2.1.   Introduction: How do you assign Nominative Case?                5

        2.2.   Unaccusative Hypothesis                                                      10

                 2.2.1. Scope facts in Japanese                                              16

                      Scope Relation of Quantificational Phrases

                                            in Japanese                                              17

                      Where is the Locative Phrase?                   22

                      Unaccusative vs. passive Constructions      29

                                     Kuno (1973): Existential

                                                              Construction                          30

                                     Unaccusative Construction

                                                              and Quantifier Scope              32

                                     Passive Construction              36

                 2.2.2. Proposal: Case licensing within VP                               40

                      Passives vs. Unaccusatives                        40

                      Belletti (1988)                                          48

                      Lasnik (1992, 1995)                                 55

                      Unified analysis of Japanese and English

                                            Passives                                                  59

                      Partitive vs. Nominative Case in the

                                            Unaccusative construction                         64

                 2.2.3. Remaining Question: Optional >Partitive vs. Obligatory

                          Nominative                                                                67

        2.3.   Summary                                                                           71

        Appendix: Non-uniform behavior of Quantifiers                               72

Chapter 3:   Case of Nominative Object                                                   80

        3.1.   Introduction                                                                        80

        3.2.   Previous Analyses                                                              83

                 3.2.1. Tada (1992)                                                               83

                 3.2.2. Koizumi (1995, 1998)                                                 88

        3.3.   Proposal                                                                             92

                 3.3.1. Relative Scope of Subject and Nominative Object           92

                 3.3.2. VP-preposing                                                             94

                 3.3.3. Preliminary proposal                                                   96

                 3.3.4. Complex Predicate construction in Japanese                  98

                 3.3.5. Koizumis example revisited                                         100

                 3.3.6. Revised Analysis                                                        104

                 3.3.7. VP-sae Construction                                                   106

        3.4.   Conclusion                                                                         108

Chapter 4:   Raising for Case                                                                  109

        4.1.   Introduction                                                                        109

        4.2.   Secondary Predicate Construction                                         110

                 4.2.1. Koizumi (1994)                                                          110

                      Position of ODP                                       111

                                     NQ-float                                112

                                     VP-preposing                         114

                                     Pseudo-cleft Construction       115

                                     Soo-su do-so Replacement    116

                                     Summary of ODP                  117

                      Evidence for V-adjoined SDP                   118

                      Evidence for I-adjoined Subject-oriented

                                            Secondary Predicate                                 120

                      Questions with Koizumi (1994)                  121

                 4.2.2. Proposal                                                                   124

                      Accounting for Koizumis Data                  128

                 4.2.3. Subjects of Unergatives                                               130

                 4.2.4. Floating Quantifier and Secondary Predicate                  135

        4.3.   Summary                                                                           139

Chapter 5:   Structure within VP and Scrambling                                      140

        5.1.   Introduction                                                                        140

        5.2.   Evidence for the Movement Hypothesis                                 143

                 5.2.1. Chain Condition                                                          144

                      Evidence for the Base-Generation

                                            Hypothesis                                               146

                      Problems with the Base-Generation

                                            Hypothesis                                               148

                      Theoretical Problem: Complex Structure

                                            of Reciprocal Anaphor                              152

                      Alternative Analysis                                  155

                      Chain Condition with reflexive anaphor:

                                            karezisin himself                                    161

                 5.2.2. VP-preposing construction                                          163

                      Data                                                        164

                      Previous analyses                                     169

                                     Hasegawa (1990)                   169

                                     Inagaki (1993)                       175

                      Ditransitives                                             177

                                     Data                                      177

                                     Analysis                                181

                                     Possible Objection                  183

                      Deriving the Proper Binding Condition        185

                                     VP Topicalization in German    185

                                     Japanese VP-preposing vs.

                                                              German VP-Topicalization       190

        5.3.   Conclusions                                                                        196

Chapter 6:   Covert EPP                                                                         198

        6.1.   Introduction                                                                        198

        6.2.   Anaphor Binding                                                                  198

                 6.2.1. Some facts about otagai binding                                   198

                 6.2.2. Binding in the Unaccusative and Passive Constructions   201

        6.3.   Analysis                                                                             205

                 6.3.1. Evidence for movement                                              208

                 6.3.2. Why raises covertly?                                                  214

                 6.3.3. Null-expletive approach                                               207

                 6.3.4. Overtly Empty Spec of TP                                          226

        6.4.   Conclusion                                                                         228

Bibliography                                                                                 230