MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #73
Proceedings of FAJL 7: Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics
, Shigeto Kawahara and Mika Igarashi 2014

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Introduction Shigeto Kawahara …… v
The Syntax of Focus-Doubling in Japanese Masahiro Akiyama …… 1
Foot Structure and Analytic Bias Ryan Bennett …… 13
Adverbial Concord Merging Adverbial Clauses Yoshio Endo and Liliane Haegeman …… 25
Perception of Japanese Vowel Duration Contrasts by L1 and L2 Learners of Japanese: An EEG Study Miwako Hisagi, Valerie L. Shafer, Shigeru Miyagawa, Hadas Kotek, Ayaka Sugawara, and Dimitrios Pantazis …… 45
Scrambling and String Vacuity Revisited: Evidence from Cleft Constructions in Japanese Hajime Ikawa …… 57
Match Theory and the Recursivity Problem Shinichiro Ishihara …… 69
On Coordinated Multiple Wh-Questions Toru Ishii ……89
Shared Structural Representations for Short and Full Passives in Japanese Children and Adults Megumi Ishikawa, Manabu Arai, and Yuki Hirose …… 101
Prosodic and Lexical Contexts and the Phonetic Realization of [Voice] in Japanese Ryo Masuda …… 113
Understanding Wh-Questions in Context Edson T. Miyamoto …… 125
An Experimental Study on Adjacency and Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Japanese Satoshi Nambu and Kentaro Nakatani …… 131
Wh-Movement as a Scope Determination Operation in Japanese Akihiko Sakamoto and Keita Ikarashi …… 143
Phases, Argument Ellipsis, and "Antecedent-Contained Deletion" in Japanese Yuta Sakamoto …… 155
Agree-Based Derivational Account of VPE In Japanese Kyoko Sano …… 167
Examining Lexical and Phonological Factors on Rendaku in Spontaneous Speech Shin-Ichiro Sano …… 179
Japanese Reported Speech within the Emerging Typology of Speech Reports Uli Sauerland and Kazuko Yatsuhiro …… 191
Two Types of Restructuring in Japanese—Evidence from Scope and Binding Koji Shimamura and Susi Wurmbrand …… 203
Children Do not Accept Unambiguous Inverse-Scope Readings: Experimental Evidence from Prosody and Scrambling in Japanese Ayaka Sugawara and Ken Wexler …… 215
The Perception of Gemination in English Word-Internal Clusters by Japanese Listeners: A Case for Phonetically-Driven Loanword Adaptation Akiko Takemura, Itsue Kawagoe, and Shigeto Kawahara …… 227
The Role of Contrast in the Distributional Restrictions on Japanese Palatalized Consonants Yu Tanaka …… 239
Remarks on Missing Arguments in Japanese Satoshi Tomioka …… 251
Japanese Honorification: Compositionality and Expressivity Narumi Watanabe, Eric McCready, and Daisuke Bekki ……265
Innocuousness of {XP, YP} as a Root Clause in Japanese and English Miyoko Yasui …… 277