Anaphoric Relations in English

T. A. Wasow, 1972

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This thesis considers the problem of accounting for anaphoric relations within a generative grammar.  Past approaches to this problem are modified in a number of ways: The concept of identity between constituents is examined and replaced.  The notion of determinateness – encompassing roughly the concepts of specificity, referentiality, and genericness – is introduced and motivated.  The idea that replacement or deletion transformations are involved in the derivation of anaphoric elements is rejected.  Postal’s WH-constraint is considered and relegated to at most a marginal role.  The relevance of Frege’s sense-reference distinction is discussed, leading to the discovery of a rather general constraint on the semantic relationship between anaphoric elements and their antecedents.

Thesis supervisor:         Noam Chomsky

Title:                             Ferrari P. Ward Professor of Linguistics

Table of Contents

Chapter One    Background material                                                                             8

            0          Introduction                                                                                          8

            1          Goals                                                                                                   9

            2          Extrinsic factors                                                                                    10

            3          Assumptions                                                                                         14

                        3.1       Theoretical framework                                                  15

                        3.2       Specific analyses                                                                       17

                        3.3       Anapornia                                                                                30

            4          Summary                                                                                              36

Footnotes                                                                                                                     38

Chapter Two    Definite pronoun anaphora                                                                    47

            0          Introduction                                                                                          47

            1          The conditions on the rule                                                                     47

                        1.1       Past proposals                                                                          48

                        1.2       Revisions of past proposals                                                       50

            2          Ordering                                                                                               62

            3          Theoretical status                                                                                  79

Footnotes                                                                                                                     82

Chapter Three  Other anaphoric relations                                                                      88

            0          Introduction                                                                                          88

            1          The unity of anaphora                                                                           88

            2          Existing arguments for deletion                                                  94

            3          An alternative                                                                                       97

                        3.1       The empty structures hypothesis                                                98

                        3.2       Arguments against deletion                                                        101

            4          Summary                                                                                              121

Footnotes                                                                                                                     123

Chapter Four    Some difficulties                                                                                    135

            0          Introduction                                                                                          135

            1          The facts                                                                                              135

            2          An analysis                                                                                           138

                        2.1       The trace proposal                                                                    138

                        2.2       Some consequences                                                                 142

            3          Postal’s analysis                                                                                    147

                        3.1       The two-rule proposal                                                              147

                        3.2       The WH-constraint                                                                   149

            4          Summary                                                                                              157

Footnotes                                                                                                                     158

Chapter Five    Sense, reference, and anaphora                                                 166

            0          Introduction                                                                                          166

            1          Sense and reference                                                                              167

            2          Arguments for the novelty constraint                                                      179

            3          Conclusion                                                                                           184

Footnotes                                                                                                                     187

Epilog                                                                                                                           192