Parameters and Effects of Word Order Variation

L. D. Travis, 1984

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Paramters and Effects of Word Order Variation

Lisa deMena Travis

June 1984


This thesis investigates different issues raised by the problems of language specific word orders.  The aim of Chapter 2 is to replace Phrase Structure Rules which stipulate the order of constituents.  The Domain Adjacency Condition (DAC) predicts the order of non-head constituents in relation to one another, while the parameters of the direction of case assigned and O-role assignment, together with the head-initial/head-final parameter, establish the order of non-head constituents in relation to the head.  The parameter of direction of predication accounts for the position of a subject in relation to its predicate.  Word order typology is now more detailed because the S-V-O type of description is expanded to include the INFL node, subcategorized PPs (PP1s) and non-subcategorized PPs (PP2s), and it is more restrictive because languages must fit into such a parametric description.

Chapter 3 presents an account of Germanic word order which relies heavily on the INFL node in both the synchronic and diachronic characterization.  The Head Movement Constraint is introduced to account for the movement of V into INFL, and INFL into COMP.  In some historical speculating, it is shown that contradictory demands on INFL create tension in grammatical systems and promote reanalysis of d-structures.

Chapter 4 extends the notion of proper government to include the proper government of a subject NP by an adjacent VP.  This account relies on the DAC and a functional definition of proper government.  It is shown that this type of proper government, complement government, explains not only es-insertion in Germanic languages, but also extraction facts in Italian and Chamorro, and pro-drop facts in Italian and Irish.  It is further noted that while the ECP requires the notion of complement government, the CED still requires the more restricted notion of proper government, lexical government.

Chapter 5 presents several problems related to pleonastics including the interaction of pleonasitcs with verb agreement, case assignment, and chain formation.  It is claimed that there are two types of pleonastics, the I-type and the T-type, and that these represent a hierarchy of features which divide pleonastic constructions in predictable ways.

Thesis supervisor:         Noam Chomsky

Title:                             Institute Professor

Table of Contents

Chapter 1         Introduction                                                                                          9

            1.1       Introduction to Government Binding Theory                                          9

                        1.1.1    Grammatical model                                                                   9

                           D-structure                                                                   10

                           S-structure                                                                   12

                           Predication                                                                   13

                           PF                                                                                15

                           LF                                                                                15

                        1.1.2    Projection principle                                                                   16

                        1.1.3    Government                                                                              18

                           C-command                                                                 18

                           Proper government and the ECP                                   20

                        1.1.4    Government and PRO                                                              21

                        1.1.5    Case theory                                                                              22

                           Case filter                                                                     22

            1.2       Introduction to the thesis                                                                       23

                        1.2.1    Chapter 2                                                                                 23

                        1.2.2    Chapter 3                                                                                 24

                        1.2.3    Chapter 4                                                                                 24

                        1.2.4    Chapter 5                                                                                 26

                        1.2.5    Chapter 6                                                                                 27

Chapter 2         Word order parameters and typology                                                    28

            2.1       Constituents of the verb phrase                                                 39

                        2.1.1    Facts                                                                                        40

                           Archaic Chinese                                                           40

                           Modern Mandarin                                                        41

                        2.1.2    The controversy                                                                        43

                        2.1.3    Paramters in Chinese                                                                44

                           Archaic Chinese                                                           44

                           Modern Mandarin                                                        45

                        2.1.4    L&T’s speculations                                                                   56

                           Preposed objects                                                          56

                           Case parameter                                                            56

                        2.1.5    Conclusion                                                                               59

                        2.1.6    Postscript                                                                                 61

            2.2       Huang’s analysis                                                                                   62

                        2.2.1    Problems for the Case analysis                                      63

                           Adjectives                                                                    63

                           PF adjacency                                                               65

                        2.2.2    Problems for Huang’s analysis                                       68

            2.3       Branching                                                                                             71

                        2.3.1    Ordering                                                                                   73

                        2.3.2    Constituency                                                                             77

                           Move-a                                                                        77

                           Pronominalization                                                          80

                           Co-ordination                                                               84

                        2.3.3    Summary                                                                                  85

            2.4       Contituents of INFL                                                                             87

                        2.4.1    NP and INFL                                                                           88

                        2.4.2    INFL and VP                                                                           89

                        2.4.3    NP and VP                                                                              90

            2.5       Word order and typology                                                                     92

                        2.5.1    Steele                                                                                       93

                        2.5.2    Possible counterexamples                                                         95

                           Diola-Fogny                                                                 96

                           Chinese                                                                        99

                           Chorti                                                                           101

            2.6       Discussion                                                                                            103

                        2.6.1    Summary                                                                                  103

                        2.6.2    Questions                                                                                 104

Chapter 3         Word order in Germanic languages                                                       108

            3.1       German and Dutch: the accepted analysis                                              110

            3.2       Yiddish                                                                                     114

                        3.2.1    Yiddish is not INFL-final                                                          114

                        3.2.2    Yiddish is not INFL-initial                                                         115

                           Pronouns                                                                      117

                           Extraction                                                                     118

                        3.2.3    Yiddish is S-I-VP                                                                     119

            3.3       German revisited                                                                                   120

            3.4       Theoretical motivations                                                             129

                        3.4.1    Movement of heads                                                                  130

                        3.4.2    INFL movement                                                                       135

                           INFL movement: Left                                                   135

                           INFL movement: Right                                     139

                        3.4.3    Summary                                                                                  145

            3.5       Historical speculations                                                               146

                        3.5.1    Assumptions                                                                             146

                           INFL and V adjacency                                     147

                           Case adjacency                                                            147

                           Unity of case assignment direction                                 147

                           Inconsistency                                                                148

                        3.5.2    Germanic languages                                                                  148

            3.6       Conclusions and typological speculations                                               155

Chapter 4         VP government                                                                         159

            4.1       Es-insertion                                                                                          162

                        4.1.1    Facts                                                                                        162

                           German                                                                        163

                           Yiddish                                                             164

                        4.1.2    Safir’s analysis                                                              165

                        4.1.3    VP government                                                             166

            4.2       Government                                                                                          169

                        4.2.1    Identification                                                                             170

                           Gap identification                                                          173

                           Recoverability of features                                              174

                        4.2.2    VP government                                                             175

                           Formal definition                                                           178

                           Identification vs. features                                               184

                        4.2.3    Structural government                                                               187

                        4.2.4    Empirical consequences                                                            197

                           Italian                                                                           197

                           INFL+V peripheral languages; Chamorro                     200

                           Irish and null subject languages                          206

            4.3       Revision of the CED                                                                             209

                        4.3.1    Spanish                                                                                    210

                        4.3.2    Chinese                                                                                    211

                        4.3.3    Welsh                                                                                       212

                        4.3.4    CED – revised                                                                          213

            4.4       Conclusion                                                                                           214

Chapter 5         Pleonastics                                                                                           216

            5.1       The hierarchy                                                                                        217

                        5.1.1    Justification for the hierarchy                                                     218

            5.2       Pleonastics: language specific                                                                226

                        5.2.1    Empty subjects                                                             227

                           INFL features                                                               229

                        5.2.2    Optional pleonastics                                                                  231

                        5.2.3    I-type vs. T-type                                                                      232

                        5.2.4    Irish                                                                                          234

            5.3       T-type pleonastics                                                                                237

                        5.3.1    Reviews                                                                                   237

                        5.3.2    T-type pleonastics are Case                                                      241

                        5.3.3    Analysis                                                                                    247

            5.4       I-type pleonastics                                                                                 252

                        5.4.1    ES vs. ES/O in German                                                            253

                        5.4.2    HET vs. ER in Dutch                                                                255

                        5.4.3    Analysis                                                                                    257

                           Passive                                                             258

                           Argument S’s                                                               261

Chapter 6         Conclusion                                                                                           268

            6.1       Domains                                                                                               268

            6.2       Importance of INFL                                                                             270

            6.3       Word order effects                                                                               272