MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #74

Proceedings of FAMLi 2: Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics 2012

Lauren Eby Clemens, Robert Henderson, and Pedro Mateo Pedro, 2014

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Table Of Contents


Lauren Clemens, Robert Henderson, and Pedro Mateo Pedro...........ii

Unconditionals In Yucatec Maya

Scott AnderBois ..........................1

Acoustic Correlates Of Stress In K’ichee’: A Preliminary Analysis

Brandon O. Baird ..........................21

Indefinite Determiners In Q’anjob’al

Melanie Bervoets .........................35

LingSync: A Free Tool For Creating And Maintaining A Shared
 Database For Communities, Linguists, And Language Learners

MaryEllen Cathcart, Gina Cook, Theresa Deering, Yuliya
 Manyakina, Gretchen Mcculloch, And Hisako Noguchi ..........................49

Case and Nominalization In Kaqchikel

Yusuke Imanishi and Pedro Mateo Pedro ...............67

Adquisicion del Juego a en Chuj Maya

Pedro Mateo Pedro, Gaspar Perez Jorge y Nicolas Alonzo Gomez .....83

Adquisicion de Verbos Inergativos e Inacusativos en Chol

Pedro Mateo Pedro, Clifton Pye Y Nicolas Arcos Lopez ............95

On Optional Focus Movement In K’ichee’

Leah Bridges Velleman ....................107

Negation In K’iche’

Murat Yasavul ........................119