MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #49
Perspectives on Phases
, ed. M. McGinnis and N. Richards 2005

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Table of Contents:
Phase Theory account of absolutive extraction in Tagalog
Edith Aldridge
Word-level phases: Evidence from Hebrew
Maya Arad
Split-DPs, generalized EPP and visibility
Alastair Butler and Eric Mathieu
The phase structure of tense
Jonny Butler
A phase-geometric approach to multiple marking system
Andrew Carnie
QR in the Theory of Phases
Carlo Cecchetto
Phases and autonomous features: A case of mixed agreement in European Portuguese
Joao Costa and Sandra Pereira
Towards a phase-based theory of sentential stress
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour
Phases and cyclic agreement
Julie Legate
Going through a phase
Ora MAtushansky
UTAH at Merge: Evidence from multiple applicatives
Martha McGinnis
On the EPP
Shigeru Miyagawa
Transparent parsing: Phases in sentence processing
Iris Mulders
On phases and cyclicity
Juvenal Ndayiragije
Derivations without the activity condition
Andrew Nevins
Phase edge and extraction: A Tagalog case study
Andrea Rackowski and Norvin Richards
Asymmetries in Prosodic Domain Formation
Michael Wagner