MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #41

Proceedings of FAJL 3: Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics

ed. M. C. Cuervo, D. Harbour, K. Hiraiwa, and S. Ishihara, 2002

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Ichimura, Larry
Phonological Blocking in the Japanese Casual Speech 
Kasai, Hironobu and Shoichi Takahashi
Coordination in Japanese
Yoshida, Masaya and Tetsuya Sano
Psycholinguistic Studies on Japanese Head Internal Relative Clauses
Takahashi, Daiko
Scrambling and Empty Categories
Takahashi, Shoichi
Movement, Reconstruction and the PBC
Tanaka, Hidekazu
Mechanism of Large-Scale Pied-Piping
Tsujioka, Takae
E-Possessive and Evidence for EPP-driven Scrambling
Nakanishi, Kimiko
Frozen Scope and Weak Crossover in Ditransitives
Nasukawa, Kuniya and Masayuki Oishi
Inaccessibility of the Domain-initial Nucleus in High-pitch Agreement
Uchibori, Asako
Raising out of CP and C-T Relations
Kusumoto, Kiyomi
The Semantics of Non-past -ta in Japanese
Yatsushiro, Kazuko
The Distribution of mo and ka and its Implications
Yamashita, Hideaki
On the So-called RFNQ-ScramblingS in Japanese
Matthews, John
Constituency Constraints and Japanese Consonant Clusters
Brody, Michael and Anna Szabolcsi
Overt Scope, With and Without Movement
Fukumitsu, Yuichiro
Covert Incorporation of Small Clause Predicates in Japanese
Koizumi, Masatoshi
Partial Production and Syntactic Theory: The Case of Preverbal Objects in  Early Child English
Saito, Mamoru
Toward the Reunification of Japanese Scramblings
Motomura, Mitsue
Zibun as a Residue of Overt A-movement