MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #38
Proceedings of the 12th Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL 12)
, ed. J. D. Haugen and T. J. Louthain 2001
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- Double Wh's
- Cedric Boeckx and Bosook Kang
- A Constraint-Based Approach to Variation: Evidence from Picard
- Walcir Cardoso
- Repetition in Sign: Evidence for a Single Timing Unit in Sign Language
- Rachel Channon
- Toward the Disambiguation of Le in Mandarin Chinese and the Theory of Morphemic Atomism
- Danny Chien-Chou Chen
- Tracing Language History Through Consonant Cluster Reduction: Comparative Evidence from Isolated Dialects
- Becky Childs and Benjamin Torbert
- Toward a Restrictive Theory of Syntactic Relations
- Hidehito Hoshi
- Scrambling and Its Interaction with Stress and Focus
- Shinichiro Ishihara
- A First Look at the Syntactic Structure of Finnish Ditransitive Verbs
- Elsi Kaiser
- Definiteness and the Structure of Noun Phrase in Japanese
- Tomomi Kakegawa
- Complaint Strategies in Viennese German as Presented in Authentic Texts for Listening Comprehension
- Claudia Kunschak
- Antigrammar: The Role of Negation in Grammar and Parser Design
- William Lewis
- Processing Differences in Synthetic vs. Natural Speech: Evidence from Garden Path Sentences
- Erin O'Bryan
- Alternating [r] and [n] in Chaha: Interacting Phonology and Morphology
- Gina Taranto