MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #31
Proceedings of the 8th Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL 8)
, ed. B. Bruening 1998
- Moraic Inconsistency in Tübatulabal?
- Nora Aion
- Reduced Relatives in DPs: Evidence from Adjective Extraction in Modern Greek
- Antonia Androutsopoulou
- Group Events as Means for Representing Collectivity
- Ron Artstein
- Matching Effects and the Syntax-Morphology Interface: Evidence from Hindi Correlatives
- Rajesh Bhatt
- Interface Economy and Pro-Active Focus
- Richard Breheny
- Scrambling in European Portuguese
- João Costa
- FootForm Decomposed: Using Primitive Constraints in OT
- Jason Eisner
- Definiteness Patterns in N/A of a N Contexts and DP-Internal XP Movement
- Manuel Español-Echevarría
- Two Types of Expletive Constructions in English: LF Associate Raising Revisited
- Michael Gamon and James Lyle
- Modal and Temporal Aspects of the Meaning of would
- Silvia Gennari
- A Dynamic Binding Approach to Weak Islands
- Martin Honcoop
- Optional Verb Movement: Albanian Imperatives
- Dalina Kallulli
- Nonspecificity = Theticity: An Instantiation of Presentational Focus
- Sarah D. Kennelly
- Case-Checking of Accusative Wh-Adjuncts
- Takeo Kurafuji
- Modality and the Structure of Tense in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec
- Felicia A. Lee
- A Syntactic Analysis of Focus Sentences in Japanese
- Yuki Matsuda
- Quantification of High-Degree: 'Very', 'Many', and the Exclamative
- Gertjan Postma
- Evidence for Strong Continuity: New Experimental Results of Children's Acquisition of VP-Ellipsis and Bound Variable Structures
- Whitney Postman, Claire Foley, Lynn Santelmann, Barbara Lust
- On the Semantics oí Quantificational Null Nominals
- Milagrosa Ramos-Santacruz
- The Semantic Basis of NPI Licensing in Questions
- Jarier Gutiérrez Rexach
- Split Scrambling in Russian and Focus: Syntax and Sentence Processing
- Irina Sekerina
- Consonant Geminates in Imdlawn Tashlhiyt Berber Syllabification
- Chang-Kook Suh
- Diphthong Formation in Optimality Theory
- Kyunghoon Suh
- Suppletion in the Derivation of Ordinal Numerals: A Case Study
- Ljuba Veselinova
- Temporal Adjectives and the Feature Structure of DP
- Luis Silva Villar and Javier Gutiérrez Rexach
- A Minimalist Approach to Word Order in Chinook Jargon and the Theory of Creole Genesis
- Zvjezdana Vrzic
- The Development of Aspect
- Laura Wagner