MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #28

Papers on Language Endangerment and the Maintenance of Linguistic Diversity

ed. J. Bobaljik, R. Pensalfini, and L. Storto, 1996

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Jonathan Bobaljik and Rob Pensalfini
Can Senior Secondary Studies Help to Maintain and Strengthen Australia's Indigenous Languages?
Antonio Mercurio and Rob Amery
The Ulwa Language Wakes Up
Thomas Green
A Report on Language Endangerment in Brazil
Luciana Storto
Modern Irish: A Case Study in Language Revival Failure
Andrew Carnie
Explaining and Reversing the Failure of the Irish Language Revival
Peter Slomanson
Universal Grammar and the Roots of Linguistic Diversity
Ken Hale
Language Endangerment - the Non-indigenous Minority Languages in the UK
Mahendra K. Verma
Policy Statement: The Need for the Documentation of Linguistic Diversity
Linguistic Society of America
Preliminary Bibliography on Language Endangerment and Preservation
Jonathan Bobalijk, Rob Pensalfini and Luciana Storto