MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #24
Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics: Proceedings of FAJL 1
, ed. M. Koizumi and H. Ura 1994
- Logophoric Use of the Japanese Reflexive Zibun-zusin 'self-self'
- Takako Aikuwa
- On Association with Focus and Scope of Focus Particles in Japanese
- Hiroshi Aoyagi
- Mo: Quantificational Evidence for a Non-Quantificational Analysis
- Chris Brockett
- Syntactic Underspecification: A Minimalist Approach to Light Verbs
- Stanley Dubinsky
- Stage/lndividual-level Nouns
- Yoshio Endo
- Negative Polarity and Movement
- Yasuhiko Kato
- Deriving Paradoxical Flip-flop Change in Ouantificational Force in Japanese
- Rurito Kawashima
- Scrambling and Relativized L-Relatedness
- Akira Kikuchi, Masayuki Oishi and Noriati Yusa
- Multiple Specifiers and Long Distance Anaphora
- Norimi Kimura
- Restricting Ambiguous Rule-Application: A Unified Analysis of Movement
- Hisatsugu Kitahara
- Nominative Objects: The Role of TP in Japanese
- Masatoshi Koizumi
- Some Aspects of Temporal Interpretation in Japanese
- Akira Natarnara
- Null Arguments in Japanese Children's Speech
- Minetaru Nahayoma
- lmproper Adjunction
- Mamoru Saito
- Derivational Economy in Long Distance Scrambling
- Hiromu Satai