MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #19
Papers on Case and Agreement II
, ed. C. Phillips 1983
- The Acquisition of Russian Case
- Maria Babyonyshev
- Ergativity and Ergative Unergatives
- Jonathan Bobaljik
- Nominal Predicates and Absolutive Case Marking in Irish
- Andrew Carnie
- Object Shift in Double Object Constructions and the Theory of Case
- Chris Collins & Höskuldur Thráinsson
- On Nominative Case Assignment and a Few Related Things
- Sabine Iatridou
- The Licensing of Subjects in Early Child Language
- Irene Kramer
- LF Case-checking and Minimal Link Condition
- Shigeru Miyagawa
- Shallowness
- Toshifusa Oka
- Towards a Minimalist Account of Quirky Case & Licensing in Icelandic
- Carson Schütze
- L-Relatedness and its Parametric Variation
- Hiroyuki Ura