Article Semantics in Second Language Acquisition

T. R. Ionin, 2003

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This thesis examines article choice and parameter-setting in second language (L2) acquisition.  It argues, on the basis of L2-English elicitation and production data, that L2-learners have access to UG-based semantic distinctions governing article choice, but do not know which distinction is appropriate for English.  A Fluctuation Hypothesis (FH) is proposed, according to which L2-learners fluctuate between different parameter settings until the input leads them to set the parameter to the target value.

The thesis proposes that articles cross-linguistically may encode definiteness or specificity.  The definition of specificity that is adopted is based on Fodor and Sag’s (1982) view of specificity as speaker intent to refer.  The behavior of referential this, a specificity marker in colloquial English, is examined, and it is proposed that the definition of specificity incorporates the concept of noteworthy property.  An Article Choice Parameter is next proposed, which governs whether articles in a given language are distinguished on the basis of definiteness or on the basis of specificity.  While English has the Definiteness setting of this parameter, it is suggested, on the basis of data from Mosel and Hovdhaugen (1992), that Samoan has the Specificity setting.

It is hypothesized, in accordance with the FH, that L2-learners fluctuate between the two settings of the Article Choice Parameter.  This hypothesis leads to the prediction that L2-English errors of article use should come in two types: overuse of the with specific indefinites and overuse of a with non-specific indefinites.  These predictions are examined in a series of studies with adult speakers of Russian and Korean, two languages with no articles.  The empirical data confirm the predictions, and show that L2-English article choice is not random but reflects access to the two settings of the Article Choice Parameter.  The same patterns of results are found for L1-Russian and L1-Korean speakers, and it is shown that the results are not attributable to L1-transfer.

On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that L2-learners have direct UG-access to semantic distinctions underlying article choice.  The data also provide evidence for the existence of a specificity distinction which cross-cuts the definiteness distinction.

Thesis Supervisor:         Kenneth Wexler

Title:                             Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Table of Contents

Chapter 1         Introduction

            1          Goals of this dissertation                                                                       11

            2          Some background: Universal Grammar in L2-acquisition                       11

                        2.1       Models of L2-acquisition: UG access                                        12

                        2.2       The role of transfer in L2-acquisition                                         15

                        2.3       Access to non-L1/non-L2 parameter settings in

L2-acquisition                                                                           17

                        2.4       Summary: parameter-setting in L2-acquisition                20

                        2.5       Optionality in parameter-setting                                     21

            3          The proposal: fluctuation in L2-acquisition                                             23

                        3.1       The specifics of the FH                                                 23

                        3.2       Sources of errors in L2-acquisition and the FH              24

                        3.3       The FH and article choice                                                         30

            4          Overview of this thesis                                                              31

Chapter 2         Article Semantics

            1          Introduction                                                                                          32

            2          Definiteness: an overview                                                                      32

                        2.1       The Russellian analysis of definites                                             33

                        2.2       The Fregean analysis of definites                                               33

                        2.3       The quantificational analysis of indefinites                                   35

            3          Scope: an overview                                                                              36

                        3.1       Scope in indefinites and definites                                               36

                        3.2       Scope and parametric variation                                     38

            4          Referentiality: an overview                                                                     40

                        4.1       The ambiguity of the English indefinite                            41

                        4.2       The ambiguity of the English definite                              50

            5          The proposal: specificity as noteworthiness                                            52

                        5.1       Conditions on the use of this-indefinites                         53

                        5.2       The specifics of specificity                                                         56

                        5.3       Noteworthiness and definites                                                     62

                        5.4       Definiteness and specificity in the English article system  64

            6          Specificity and definiteness cross-linguistically                            67

                        6.1       Positive vs. negative feature specifications                                  68

                        6.2       Two-article languages: definiteness vs. specificity

distinctions                                                                                69

                        6.3       Three- and four-article languages and specificity marking           73

                        6.4       Specificity, presuppositionality, and case marking                      76

            7          The Article Choice Parameter                                                               79

                        7.1       Lexical specifications of articles as parameter values      79

                        7.2       Article choice, presuppositionality, and genericity                       80

                        7.3       Article choice, scope, and licensing conditions on articles           81

            8          Conclusion: articles in acquisition                                                           83

Chapter 3         Articles in L1 and L2 Acquisition

            1          Introduction                                                                                          85

            2          The Article Choice Parameter and L2-acquisition                                  85

                        2.1       The FH for article choice in L2-acquisition                                85

                        2.2       Predictions for article use in L2-English                         87

                        2.3       The Article Choice Parameter and triggers                                 87

                        2.4       The FH and L1-acquisition                                                       88

            3          Early studies of article choice in L1-acquisition                          88

                        3.1       Study design                                                                             89

                        3.2       Results                                                                                     90

                        3.3       Different explanations of article errors in child English     91

                        3.4       Maratsos’s findings and the FH                                     94

            4          Later studies of article choice in L1-acquisition                          97

                        4.1       Article choice with different types of indefinites in child

English                                                                          97

                        4.2       Child English vs. adult Salish                                                     99

                        4.3       Summary: article choice in child English                         102

            5          Previous studies of article choice in adult L2-acquisition             103

                        5.1       L2-English article use in the Bickertonian framework     103

                        5.2       L2-English article choice and partitivity                          106

                        5.3       Overuse of a in L2-English                                                        106

                        5.4       Summary: L2-English article choice and the FH             107

            6          L2-English article use and transfer                                                         107

                        6.1       Definiteness and specificity in Russian                            108

                        6.2       Definiteness and specificity in Korean                            113

                        6.3       Summary                                                                                  114

            7          Conclusion                                                                                           114

Chapter 4         Experiment 1

            1          Background and predictions                                                                  115

                        1.1       Hypothesis                                                                               116

                        1.2       Predictions                                                                               116

            2          Methods                                                                                               117

                        2.1       Participants                                                                               117

                        2.2       Standard methodology for chapters 4 through 6             117

                        2.3       Tasks                                                                                       119

            3          Results                                                                                                 123

                        3.1       RC-comprehension and article choice                           123

                        3.2       Performance in individual contexts                                             125

                        3.3       Statistical comparisons                                                  125

                        3.4       Individual patterns of article choice                                            126

                        3.5       Overall proficiency and article use                                             128

            4          Discussion                                                                                            129

                        4.1       Article choice and fluctuation                                                     129

                        4.2       Triggers and the Article Choice parameter                                 130

            5          Conclusions and remaining questions                                                     131

                        5.1       A greater variety of contexts                                                     131

                        5.2       An alternative explanation                                                         131

                        5.3       The question of transfer                                                 132

Chapter 5         Experiment 2

            1          Background and predictions                                                                  133

                        1.1       Predictions for L2-English article choice                                    134

                        1.2       Predictions for individual results                                     134

            2          Methods                                                                                               135

                        2.1       Participants                                                                               135

                        2.2       Tasks                                                                                       136

                        2.3       Procedure                                                                                140

            3          Results                                                                                                 140

                        3.1       Overall results and proficiency levels                                         140

                        3.2       Article choice with singular DPs                                                142

                        3.3       Article choice and number                                                         143

                        3.4       Article choice and effects of L1                                     146

                        3.5       Effects of other variables on article choice                                 146

                        3.6       Individual results of intermediate/advanced L2-learners  147

                        3.7       Results of beginner L2-learners                                     149

            4          Discussion                                                                                            149

                        4.1       Singular contexts and the degree of specificity                150

                        4.2       Performance in plural contexts                                       151

                        4.3       Group differences                                                                     151

                        4.4       Individual results                                                                       152

            5          Conclusion                                                                                           153

Chapter 6         Experiment 3

            1          Background and predictions                                                                  154

                        1.1       The Fluctuation Hypothesis and definites                                   154

                        1.2       Indefinites and the degree of specificity                          156

                        1.3       The role of certain                                                                   158

                        1.4       Summary                                                                                  159

                        1.5       Predictions for individual results                                     159

            2          Methods                                                                                               160

                        2.1       Participants                                                                               160

                        2.2       Tasks                                                                                       161

                        2.3       Procedure                                                                                168

            3          Results                                                                                                 168

                        3.1       Results of the control participants                                              168

                        3.2       L2-learners: summary of results                                     169

                        3.3       Specificity with definites and indefinites: the results                     172

                        3.4       Performance on different indefinite contexts                               181

                        3.5       Individual results: intermediate/advanced L2-learners     185

                        3.6       Results of the beginner learners                                     191

                        3.7       Effects of other variables on article choice                                 192

            4          Discussion                                                                                            193

                        4.1       Specificity and definiteness                                                        193

                        4.2       Degree of speaker knowledge                                                   195

                        4.3       The role of certain                                                                   198

            5          Conclusion                                                                                           200

Chpater 7         Production Data

            1          Background and predictions                                                                  201

                        1.1       Predictions for L2-English article use in production                    201

                        1.2       Written production data and article omission                              201

                        1.3       Determining specificity in production: specific predictions           202

            2          Methods                                                                                               204

                        2.1       The task                                                                                   204

                        2.2       Coding procedure                                                                     205

            3          Classification scheme                                                                            208

                        3.1       The post-coding procedure                                                       208

                        3.2       Types of indefinite singular DPs                                     209

                        3.3       Types of plural/mass indefinites                                     213

                        3.4       Types of definites                                                                      214

                        3.5       Summary and predictions                                                          218

            4          Results                                                                                                 219

                        4.1       Articles in indefinite contexts                                                     219

                        4.2       Article use in definite contexts                                       225

            5          Discussion                                                                                            229

                        5.1       Article use and misuse in production                                          229

                        5.2       Article omission in production                                       231

            6          Conclusion                                                                                           232

Chapter 8         Conclusion

            1          Summary                                                                                              233

            2          Alternative explanations                                                                        234

                        2.1       Permanent parameter mis-setting                                               234

                        2.2       Disregard of hearer knowledge                                     236

                        2.3       Computations of uniqueness                                                      237

                        2.4       Explicit instruction and strategies                                               239

                        2.5       Strategies and use of certain                                                     242

                        2.6       Frequency                                                                                245

            3          Conclusion and unanswered questions                                       245

                        3.1       Implications for L2-acquisitions                                     245

                        3.2       Implications for linguistic theory                                     246

                        3.3       Unanswered questions: suggestions for future research   246

Appendix 1:      Description of individual L2-learner participants                         249

Appendix 2:      Elicitation task stimuli                                                                256

Appendix 3:      Translation task                                                                                    290

Appendix 4:      Presuppositionality and word order in L2-English                                  300