The Computation of Prosody

W. J. Idsardi, 1992

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This thesis presents a new theory of metrical representations and computations.  This theory emphasizes that the metrical grid is a separate module of the phonology, devoted to the calculation of partitionings of phonological elements.  The metrical grid consists of parallel tiers composed of three kinds of elements: grid marks and left and right boundaries.  A single boundary serves to define a metrical constituent: a left boundary creates a grouping of the elements to its right, a right boundary creates a grouping of the elements to its left.

The calculation of the metrical grid is accomplished through the use of both rules and constraints.  This division of labor accounts for observed properties of stress systems in a succinct manner.  Metrical rules apply successively in a derivation, thus modelling the functional character of metrical structure assignment.  The constraints prevent the application of metrical rules that would generate universal or language-particular disfavored configurations.

The interface to the metrical grid module is controlled by two parameters of projection, which provide the initial grid marks and boundaries.  Further parameterized rules of Edge marking, Iterative constituent construction and Headedness complete the construction of the grid.

This theory allows the derivation of Extrametricality effects through the interaction between Edge marking and Iterative constituent construction.  Constraints against particular configurations yield both clash effects and a ternary parsing ability.

Further, the Edge marking parameter provides the requisite formal power to deal with stress introduced by specific morphemes in such languages as Turkish, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Cayuvava, Shuswap (Salish) and Moses-Columbian (Salish).

Thesis Supervisor:         Morris Halle

Title:                             Institute Professor

Table of Contents

1          Basic mechanisms for constructing metrical grids                                                1

            1.1       Introduction                                                                                          1

            1.2       Koya                                                                                                    2

            1.3       Warao and Weri                                                                                   6

            1.4       Tubatulabal                                                                                           8

            1.5       Macedonian I                                                                                       9
            1.6       Selkup and Khalkha Mongolian                                                            10

            1.7       Turkish                                                                                     11

            1.8       Polish                                                                                                   14

            1.9       Macedonian II                                                                                      16

2          Constraints on the construction of metrical grids                                     20

            2.1       Clash avoidance                                                                                   20

                        2.1.1    Malayalam and Wolof                                                               20
                        2.1.2    Garawa                                                                                    22

            2.2       Edge avoidance                                                                                    24

                        2.2.1    Latin                                                                                         24

                        2.2.2    Western Aranda                                                                       25

            2.3       Ternary constituents                                                                              26

                        2.3.1    Cayuvava                                                                                 27

                        2.3.2    Chugach Alutiiq                                                                        30

            2.4       Parenthesis deletion                                                                              32

                        2.4.1    Diyari                                                                                       32

                        2.4.2    Winnebago                                                                               34

3          Conflation and multiple metrical parameters                                                       38

            3.1       Introduction                                                                                          38

            3.2       Bidirectional stress rules                                                                        38

                        3.2.1    Cahuilla                                                                                    38

            3.3       Conflation and circumsciption                                                    39

                        3.3.1    Lenakel                                                                                    43

                        3.3.2    Auca                                                                                        46

                        3.3.3    Klamath                                                                                   48

                        3.3.4    Seneca                                                                                     50

4          Case studies in lexical stress                                                                              51

            4.1       Introduction                                                                                          51

            4.2       Russian                                                                                     51

                        4.2.1    Noun inflections                                                                        52

                        4.2.2    Jers and stress shift                                                                   54

                        4.2.3    Stress retraction                                                                        56

                        4.2.4    Verbal inflections                                                                      58

            4.3       Stress in Shuswap and Moses-Columbian                                             64

            4.4       Shuswap glottalized sonorants                                                   70

5          Rules and representations in metrical theory                                                       74

            5.1       Introduction                                                                                          74

            5.2       Representations of bracketed grids                                                        74

                        5.2.1    Boundary representations                                                          74

                           Left and right parantheses                                             75

                           Foot separators                                                            76

                        5.2.2    Grid marks as feature matrices                                      77

                        5.2.3    Autosegmental representations                                      77

                           Autosegmental edges                                                    77

                           Autosegmental feet                                                       78

                        5.2.4    Summary                                                                                  80

            5.3       Constraints versus rules                                                             80

                        5.3.1    Iterative paranthesis insertion                                                     80

                        5.3.2    Constraint-only metrical theory                                      83

6          Conlcusions                                                                                                      90