The Tone Pattern of Japanese: An Autosegmental Theory of Tonology

S. Haraguchi, 1975

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This dissertation analyzes the tonal characteristics of a large number of Japanese dialects in the light of a version of the autosegmental theory propounded by J. Goldsmith.  Among the significant results of the work are: i) tonal rules may be dependent on phonological information; ii) tonal rules are at least partially ordered; iii) there are only four basic tone melodies High-Low (HL), Low-High-Low (LHL), Low-High (LH), and Mid (M), which characterize all Japanese dialects; and no dialects, with minor exceptions, have more than two of these basic tone melodies: iv) the tone association rules in all accentual systems assign H to a particular V.  Accentual systems can have words with a specially marked mora with which H is associated, as well as words without such a mora; vi) there are dialects in which all words are accentually unmarked (these dialects resemble accentless languages such as Mende, Kikuyu, etc.).

Certain alternative tonological theories are analyzed and compared with the present autosegmental theory.  Some arguments in favor of the present theory are given.

Thesis Supervisor:         Morris Halle

Title:                             Professor of Linguistics
Table of Contents

Part I

Chapter 1         The Tone System of the Tokyo Dialect                                      21

            1.1       Introduction      An autosegmental treatment of Tokyo nouns                  21

            1.2       On the basic tone melody for unaccented nouns                         35

                        1.2.1    O-phrases in women’s speech                                                  36

                        1.2.2    De-starring of “no”-phrases                                                      38

                        Excursus                                                                                               41

            1.3       On the initial lowering rule                                                                     46

            1.4       On the so-called accent slide in Tokyo                                      57

                        1.4.1    Some of the facts                                                                      57

                        1.4.2    Some additional facts                                                                61

                        1.4.3    The autosegmental theory vs. the segmental theory                     62

                        1.4.4    On the ordering of rules                                                            70

                        1.4.5    Summary of section 1.4                                                            71

            1.5       Contour tones in Tokyo                                                                        71

            1.6       Summary                                                                                              75

Footnotes to Chapter 1                                                                                     79

Chapter 2         Remarks on Initial Lowering Dialects                                         83

            2.0       Introductory remarks                                                                            83

            2.1       The Nagoya dialect                                                                               84

            2.2       The Matsue dialect                                                                               87

            2.3       Concluding remarks                                                                              96

Footnotes to Chapter 2                                                                                     99

Chapter 3         The Tone System of the Hirosaki Dialect                                               100

            3.0       Introductory remarks                                                                            100

            3.1       The tone system of Hirosaki nouns                                                        100

            3.2       On the star shift rule                                                                              109

            3.3       Summary                                                                                              115

Footnotes to Chapter 3                                                                                     116

Chapter 4         The Tone System of the Osaka Dialect                                      117

            4.0       Introductory remarks                                                                            117

            4.1       The tone system of the nouns in Osaka                                      118

                        4.1.1    Some factual observations                                                         118

                        4.1.2    The system of tonological rules for nouns                                   122

                        4.1.3    Some supporting arguments for the preceding analysis   127

                        4.1.4    Compound noun formation in Osaka                                         131

                        4.1.5    The de-starring rule before the enclitic “no”                               136

                        4.1.6    On the nature of a star-bearing unit                                            138

                        4.1.7    An argument against the star assignment approach for

unaccented words                                                                     143

                        4.1.8    Summary                                                                                  145

            4.2       The tone system of Osaka verbs                                                           146

                        4.2.1    The present form of verbs in Osaka                                           146

                        4.2.2    The past forms of verbs in Osaka                                              148

            4.3       The tone system of Osaka adjectives                                                     157

                        4.3.1    The present forms                                                                     157

                        4.3.2    The past forms and other conjugational forms                162

            4.4       Some miscellaneous tonological processes in Osaka                              164

                        4.4.1    The compound verb formation rule                                            164

                        4.4.2    On phrases prefixed with polite “o”                                           167

                        4.4.3    Collocatinal H deletion                                                  170

            4.5       Summary of the tone system of the Osaka dialect                                  174

Footnotes to Chapter 4                                                                                     177

Chapter 5         The Tone System of the Kameyama Dialect                                          180

Footnotes to Chapter 5                                                                                     207

Chapter 6         The Tone System of the Koti Dialect                                                     208

Footnotes to Chapter 6                                                                                     219

Chapter 7         The Tone Systems of the Dialects of Marugame and Takamatsu            220

            7.0       Introductory remarks                                                                            220

            7.1       The tone system of the Marugame dialect                                              221

            7.2       The tone system of the Takamatsu dialect                                              228

            7.3       Some theoretical implications of the Takamatsu system              248

Footnotes to Chapter 7                                                                                     257

Chapter 8         The Tone System of the Kagoshima Dialect                                           262

Footnotes to Chapter 8                                                                                     277

Chapter 9         Remarks on Initial Raising Dialects                                                        278

            9.0       Introductory remarks                                                                            278

            9.1       The tone system of the Nakamura dialect                                              280

            9.2       The tone system of the Ogachogamitsu dialect                           285

            9.3       On the tone system of a couple of the Koshikizima dialect                      290

            9.4       Conclusion                                                                                           297

Footnotes to Chapter 9                                                                                     298

Chapter 10       Remarks on the So-called Accentless Dialects                           299

            10.0     Introductory remarks                                                                            299

            10.1     The Miyakonozyo dialect                                                                      300

            10.2     The Shimagawa Dialect, the Izumi Dialect and the Uchinoura

Dialect                                                                                                  304

            10.3     The Sendai dialect, and the Uchiko dialect                                             308

            10.4     Concluding remarks                                                                              312

Footnotes to Chapter 10                                                                                               314

Chapter 11       The Tone System of the Kumi Dialect                                       315

            11.0     Introductory remarks                                                                            315

            11.1     On the tonal system in Kumi                                                                  316

            11.2     On star shift in Kumi                                                                             323

            11.3     On gaps in 3 and 4 mora words                                                            327

            11.4     Summary                                                                                              332

            11.5     Some theoretical implications                                                                335

            11.6     Comparison of the autosegmental description and Hattori’s

                        prosodic description                                                                             337

Footnotes to Chapter 11                                                                                               342

Chapter 12       The Tone System of the Narada Dialect                                                345

            12.1     Introductory remarks                                                                            345

            12.2     The autosegmental analysis of the Narada dialect                                   346

            12.3     Some alternative analysis                                                                       361

            12.4     Remarks on previous analysis                                                                363

                        12.4.1  Hirayama’s ghost accent analysis                                               364

                        12.4.2  Hattori’s two melody analysis                                        369

                        12.4.3  Okuda’s generative analysis                                                      372

            12.5     Concluding remarks                                                                              375

Footnotes to Chapter 12                                                                                               377

Chapter 13       Summary of Rules                                                                                 378

            13.0     Introduction                                                                                          378

            13.1     Universal conventions                                                                           380

            13.2     Typology of Japanese dialects                                                   382

            13.3     Summary of tonal rules                                                              386

Footnotes to Chapter 13                                                                                               401

Part II                                                                                                                          403

Chapter 14       On Three Tonological Theories                                                 404

            14.0     Introductory remarks                                                                            404

            14.1     Hattori’s prosodic analysis                                                                    404

            14.2     McCawley’s boundary accent theory                                                    408

            14.3     Shibatani’s surface phonetic constraint theory                            410

Footnotes to Chapter 14                                                                                               413

Chapter 15       On Tone Association Processes                                                            415

            15.0     Introductory remarks                                                                            415

            15.1     Language-particular tone association processes                         416

            15.2     The universal tone association conventions                                             422

            15.3     The *-to-T association rule                                                                   428

            15.4     On starred melody                                                                                433

            15.5     On star-bearing phonological units and tone-bearing units                      439

            15.6     On the predictions of the universal tone association conventions 443

Footnotes to Chapter 15                                                                                               448

Conclusion                                                                                                                   450

Footnotes to Conclusion                                                                                               453