Toward a Theory of Movement Rules
, M. Baltin 1978
- Thesis Supervisor: Noam Chomsky
This thesis attempts to answer two questions. First, given the mechanisms in the Extended Standard Theory of syntax, must we still posit syntactic movement rules? As well as showing that the answer to this question must be in the affirmative in Chapters 3 and 4, an attempt is made to constrain the power of these movement rules. The main focus of the attempt to constrain movement rules is on the position to which moved elements move. An explanation is also given for the absence of rules which extrapose elements to the left in Chapter 2. The main approach to these attempts to constrain the power of movement rules lies in a notation for writing movement rules devised here.
Title: Institute Professor
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 On the Status of Extraposition Rules
Section I Rule Interaction Arguments
Section II On Formulating the Construal Schema
Section III Further Arguments
Section IV Two Final Modifications
Section V Concluding Remarks
Footnotes to Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Bounding and Construal
Section I Theories of Bounding
Section II PP As a Bounding Node
Section III On the Nature of Bounding
Footnotes to Chapter 3
Chapter 4 On the Notion of “Structural Change” in Movement Rules
Section I Relative Clause Extraposition
Section II Extraposition
Section III On Comp-Substitution
Section IV On Movements to VP Boundaries
Section V On Position I
Section VI Landing Sites in Universal Grammar
Footnotes to Chapter 4